Des informations qui permettent de prendre des décisions judicieuses

Suivez et gérez chaque actif de votre flotte à l'aide des solutions intelligentes et conviviales d'ABAX connectées à une seule plateforme axée sur les données.

Graphic showing the interface of the ABAX app
A&V Squires Plant Company Limited logoAll Seasons Tree Care professional tree surgeons logoBarford Van Hire logoBarwell Motorsport logoBlanchford Building Supplies Ltd logoCable Frog Electrical logoCame BPT UK logoCertum logoDNS Hire Services logoEdge Equipment Hire logoGMM Utilities Ltd logoJames Electrics Contracting Ltd logoJMC Construction (March) Ltd LogoMcCann logoOBP Oadby Building Products LtdP.E.T. Hire LtdPro Lifting Ltd Logo

La mobilité intelligente vous permet de faire plus avec moins.

Passez à la vitesse supérieure avec une suite de services de gestion de flotte innovante et conviviale. Centralisez et consolidez les données de votre flotte pour obtenir des informations exploitables à tous les niveaux. La mobilisation de votre flotte est tout simplement devenue plus intelligente.

Prenez le contrôle de votre flotte avec ABAX

En transformant les données en informations exploitables au sein de la plateforme Smart Mobility, nous vous aidons à gérer votre entreprise plus intelligemment et à :

Économiser du temps, de l'argent et les ressources

Contacter le service des ventes

Jo McGarvie

Plant Manager at JMC Construction

"Since having the trackers on our vehicles and plant, productivity has increased during the day."

Kristina Anderson

Ramirent Finland

"The system provides me with comprehensive trip reports with routes and driving times. Some of our cost centres also use the system to monitor jobs in their own area."


Compliance Manager at FDS

Charley Compliance Manager at FDS

"We log into our ABAX tracker every morning – the rule at FDS is ‘it’s always on the screen’. Having the ABAX system installed has added great value to our company; it’s made us all much more efficient."

Emma Cable

Plant and Transport Manager, Gasco Utilities

“Over Christmas, knowing everything is locked and secure, gives me huge peace of mind. It makes such a difference. We’ve not had a problem with theft since we had ABAX installed and that’s great for the business.”

Justin Cooper

Project Manager, Parkes Utilities

Vans and lorries from Parkes

“We lease a large number of our vehicles and the ABAX system allows me to change the tracker from one vehicle to another in no time at all - something I do can myself at no extra cost.”

Michelle Pratt

Project Coordinator, Turneys Landscapes Ltd

Machine and equipment on top of rescue trailer

"The monitoring of our drivers’ behaviour leads to cost effectiveness in the areas of servicing and the need to buy fewer parts for the vehicles."

Rob James

Panthera Group

Man working on construction site putting up Panthera sign

“Since the installation of the ABAX tracking system we have made substantial savings by cutting down on out of hours usage and therefore reducing risk of accidents and other driving penalties."

Chris Wallwein

Spirotech Group

Men infront of their business Spirotech with company vehicles

“The system allows us to monitor driving behaviour to ensure our vehicles are being driven safely and legally.”


J McCann

Man behind computer smiling

“Prior to the ABAX system we had no way of knowing where a piece of equipment had gone after being assigned to a driver. The tracking now allows us to monitor the whereabouts of these assets when assigned to a driver and a vehicle.”

Lucy Stone

Office Manager, Nene Valley Tree Services Ltd

“The tracking allowed us to find the precise location of the chipper, and more importantly, to recover it quickly. We are very grateful that the system was installed and saved us around £20,000. Since partnering with ABAX, nothing else has gone missing.”

Susan Mortimer

Owner, QRIS Services Ltd

“We have saved money by switching to Zego, which was a no-brainer, and we also took advantage of the upgrade option which has been useful in being able to track vehicles, even if our drivers happen to be in flight mode.”

Jason Tearle

Director at G & J Groundwork

“Using ABAX solutions now allows us to operate the business in a much better way on a day-to-day basis. Unlike before, employees don’t leave jobs early as they now know there are trackers on the vehicles."


Wrights Roofing Ltd

“Using the ABAX MINI allows us on a day-to-day basis to know exactly where that product is – that’s £10,000 worth of plant that we can keep an eye on.”


Red Van Plumbers

“It is a tool that allows us to find out exactly where our engineers are without having to interrupt them while they are working. If a customer calls to find out where the engineer is, we can use the tracker to give them an accurate time of arrival without having to contact the engineer and calling the customer back.”

Chris Crowley

Pro-Lifting UK Ltd

"I never knew there would be so many benefits from using a tracking system to help me improve multiple areas in my business."

Jon King

director at East Midlands Contracting

East Midlands Contracting company picture in black nd white with all staff and vehicles

"Now everything, from a big tractor down to the last power tool, has a tracker on it and we can basically see where all our kit is on the same screen, which has obvious major benefits!"

Robbie Dunderdale

Rental Assistant at Barford Hire

"We were able to track the vehicle in real time and relay the position to the Police control room over the phone, which was absolutely brilliant."

Solutions ABAX

Gestion de flotte

Localisation précise, alertes de vol, émissions et données de performance - Superchargez votre flotte avec des informations précises.

Solutions ABAX

Gestion des machines et des équipements

Prenez le contrôle de vos machines et équipements avec un suivi en temps réel et des flux de données qui vous aident à optimiser la rentabilité, la productivité et la réduction des risques de votre flotte mixte.

Solutions ABAX

Suivi des actifs

Des outils électriques aux installations en passant par les véhicules. Tous les éléments de votre flotte sont suivis et gérés dans un système simple.

Solutions ABAX

Services de données de mobilité

En nous appuyant sur vos propres données de mobilité, nous pouvons vous fournir des informations sur votre flotte, des outils pour vous aider à améliorer vos activités et un accès exclusif à des services personnalisés et à prix réduit, axés sur les données, fournis par nos partenaires.

Comment nous livrons de la valeur

Van fleet in a row - black and white

Prendre le contrôle de sa flotte

Tirez parti de la technologie pour travailler plus intelligemment. ABAX vous permet d'éliminer le temps consacré à des tâches fastidieuses telles que les indemnités kilométriques, de localiser facilement les chauffeurs et de réduire les risques liés à la sécurité des véhicules et au comportement des chauffeurs.

Prenez le contrôle de votre flotte avec ABAX
Roads overlapping each other with data graphics overlaid

Identifier rapidement les économies de coûts

ABAX vous permet de réduire les émissions de CO2, les frais de carburant et d'entretien grâce aux informations intelligentes en temps réel sur la localisation et aux données sur le style de conduite et la gestion de flotte.

Contacter le service des ventes
Woman looking at computer screen which shows a map in black and white

Un planning des ressources 100 % informé

Supprimez la part d'incertitude dans la planification. ABAX vous permet d'optimiser la chaîne d'approvisionnement en offrant une visibilité sur le mouvement des marchandises, en optimisant la planification des itinéraires, en gérant les calendriers de livraison et en améliorant l'efficacité opérationnelle globale.

Contacter le service des ventes

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