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From the first of January 2022 ABAX is moving their entire hosting environments from their on-premises based datacentre in Karlstad, Sweden to Google Cloud platform. An important step to provide a world leading user experience.   


Ready for future scale 

Moving to the Google Cloud enables ABAX to scale to a new level, faster and in sync with coming demands. During this cloud journey ABAX have also modernized their software to be containerized.

– By moving fully to the cloud, we can quickly scale up our performance to meet demands with “a click of a button”. There is no need for expensive hardware investments and long lead times as we grow our platform, says Wan Luo, Senior Director of Engineering in ABAX 

The transition has also led to scaling possibilities, to run multiple identical workloads simultaneously and a new, clustered infrastructure with better HA (high availability) possibilities has been utilized when shaping the cloud solution.

Meet growth ambitions 

To support ABAX ambitions for massive growth now and in the years to come, the cloud strategy is needed. By hosting everything in the cloud, it allows ABAX to support multiple continents by deploying the software directly to the distributed cloud provider. 

– We have seen a shift in the technology space during in recent years, that new technology is available in cloud first. I am happy that we have taken this step moving in to 2022, says Wan Luo. 

For more information: 

Wan Luo
Senior Director of Engineering, ABAX 
Mobile +47 910 03 156

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