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Pipefitting business saves thousands of pounds in false claims thanks to vehicle tracking
False and inaccurate time sheets, together with poor driving behaviour had led to Midtech Building Services Ltd losing substantial amounts of money.
This Worcestershire-based heating, ventilation and pipework business, which employs 14 members of staff, had been experiencing problems with driver punctuality and misuse of company vehicles.
But that wasn't until they found ABAX during a Google search they were finally able to address and resolve these issues.
ABAX worked with company managers to identify their areas of concern and use various telematics solutions to put things right.
Concerns that needed addressing and have since been resolved included:
drivers of allocated vans arriving late to sites and / or leaving early,
drivers claiming to be somewhere that they weren’t,
false and inaccurate timesheets – including one driver who claimed to be working but was at home decorating,
wrong claims of a higher night-time rate for out or hours work or even work that wasn’t carried out
misuse of vehicles for personal use.
“Out of hours usage was always a problem before. We now have a declaration in place for employees to say that if a vehicle is used, they must pay for the fuel plus a surcharge. Our out of hours vehicles usage has now decreased.
“Since having ABAX onboard, the lads have drastically changed their driving behaviour. We use the ABAX service notification to keep track of mileage, and we can also identify who is responsible for a parking or speeding ticket if they are issued to one of our vehicles.”
Having saved thousands of pounds through telematic solutions, Midtech Services Ltd have already recommended ABAX to like-minded businesses.
If you want to understand how an ABAX solution would benefit your business, please get in touch.
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