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AEMP Telematics Data Endpoints

The ISO 15143-3, also known as AEMP (Association of Equipment Management Professionals) is a global standard designed to provide mobile machinery status data from a telematics provider’s server to third-party client applications via a cloud solution.

Overview of the 19 ISO 15143-3 Data endpoints

Operating Hours

The current total lifetime operating hours of the machine is expressed as the cumulative quantity of time during which the machine’s engine has been running. This is generally the value of the hourmeter on the machine

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Cumulating operating hours (Hour)
: 5267

Cumulative fuel used

The total amount of fuel consumed by the machine is expressed by three separate fields. This data element represents the cumulative amount of fuel used by the machine since its manufacture. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Unit of measure of fuel (FuelUnits): Litre
Cumulative fuel used (FuelConsumed): 2568

Fuel used in the preceding 24 hr

Fuel used in the preceding 24 hours is not the preferred measure of fuel consumption, but it may be used as an alternative to cumulative fuel used. The term “24 hours” refers to the last 24 hours of elapsed clock time, not the last 24 hours of machine operation. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Unit of measure of fuel (FuelUnits): Litre
Cumulative fuel used (FuelConsumed): 2568

Cumulative distance travelled

The distance the machine has travelled (regardless of direction) while operating is expressed by three fields as shown below. Cumulating distance travelled is the total distance travelled by the machine, under its own power, since its manufacture. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Unit of measure ofdistance (OdometerUnits): kilometer
Cumulative distance travelled (Odometer): 0.1

Cumulative idle operating hours

The current lifetime total cumulative idle operating hours of the machine is expressed by two fields: date‐time and cumulative idle operating hours. This value generally coincides with idle service meter hours. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Cumulative idle hours (Hour): 46.43

Fuel remaining ratio

This field indicates the estimated percentage of fuel remaining in the machine’s fuel tank and the capacity of the fuel tank.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Fuel remaining ratio (Percent): 52.43
Unit of measure of fuel tank (FuelTankCapacityUnits): litre
Fuel tank capacity (FuelTankCapacity): 455

Percent of DEF remaining

This field indicates the estimated percentage of DEF (Diesel exhaust fluid) remaining in the machine’s DEF tank and the capacity of the DEF tank.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
DEF remaining ratio (Percent):30.00
Unit of measure of DEF tank (DEFTankCapacityUnits): litre
DEF Tank capacity (DEFTankCapacity): 60

Engine condition

This value is an indicator of the current status of the machine’s engine running state, which is expressed by three fields as shown below. The engine number is an unbounded alphanumeric string assigned by the OEM representing the unique engine in the construction machine. Engine condition is the running state of the engine as of the specified date and time.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Engine serial number (EngineNumber): AB337655NE33
Engine running (Running): 1 or 0

Digital input state

This value is the current status of any digital input on the manufacturer’s telematics device, which is expressed by three fields as shown below. A digital input on a telematics device is a gate…or proximity switch. Other forms of switches and logic outputs may be used. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Digital input number (SwitchNumber): 3
Switch state, on or off (IsOn): 1 or 0

Cumulative power takeoff hours

Current lifetime total power take‐off hours of the machine is expressed by two fields as shown below. This data element is optional. The date and time indicate when the date and time when the cumulative power take off hours were registered on the machine.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Cumulative power take‐off hours (Hour): 46.43

Average daily engine load factor

The preferred definition of average daily load factor is a percentage calculated as the actual fuel consumed over the previous 24 hour period divided by the fuel that would have been consumed during that period if the machine had been continually operated at the engine’s rated output. Average daily load factor of the machine is expressed by two fields as shown below. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Average daily load factor (Percent) for preceding 24 hour period: 52.43

Peak daily speed

Peak daily speed is the highest achieved travel speed for this machine during the previous 24 hour period.

Unit used for speed (SpeedUnit): km/h
Peak speed (Speed): 22,2

Cumulative load count

Lifetime total cumulative number of loads the machine has achieved is expressed by two fields as shown below. The definitions of load and load count are at the discretion of the manufacturer. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Culumlative load count (Count): 535587

Cumulative payload total

Cumulative total payload moved by the machine is expressed by two fields as shown below. This data element is optional. This field indicates the quantity of payload that has been moved cumulatively by the machine as of the specified date and time. Its data type is decimal.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Unit of measure for payload (WeightUnit): kg
Cumulative payload (Payload): 5552,2

Cumulative nonproductive regeneration hours

Nonproductive regeneration is the time when the machine is placed in a nonproductive state to complete the regeneration process. This field is specific to machines with emissions related aftertreatment devices mounted on the machine’s engine. Regeneration is the oxidation of exhaust soot collected inside an aftertreatment device.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Cumulative regeeration hours (Hour): 2346.43

Cumulative idle nonoperating hours

Cumulative idle nonoperating hours are the total hours when the engine is running, but the machine is not moving and the machine controls are not operated (e.g. lever or pedal not operated) Cumulative idle nonoperating hours are expressed by two fields as shown below. This data element is optional.

Date and time (DateTime): 10.02.2020 00:00
Cumulative nonproductive idle hours (Hour): 126.45