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How To Track Tools & Equipment
How often are your power tools and portable equipment misplaced? How much company time and money is wasted trying to find them? If they are not found, how much does it cost to replace them?
Save Time And Money On Looking For Your Power Tools
The most expensive equipment is what you cannot find.
The ABAX Mini is a smart, cost-effective way to tracking power tools and portable equipment.
With the ABAX Mini, losing power tools and portable equipment can be a thing of the past thanks to GPS tracking. No matter what tool is in the tradesman’s vehicle, the ABAX Mini gives you complete control and is the perfect solution to locate expensive power tools and portable equipment belonging to the company.
Your employees will no longer waste time looking for tools and equipment, such as hammer drills, disc cutters, grinders, core drills, hydraulic tools, surveying/levelling gear, trench rammers, plate compactors, trailers and containers.
We have been using ABAX Mini for several months and have recovered 3 Stihl saws and 1 wacker since having the trackers fitted. This has paid for itself with the reclaimed tools and has also proved to be advantageous with us being able to track all small tools on relevant sites.
ABAX Global Network
The small, rugged, water-resistant (IP67) unit acts as a tracking device and is discretely attached and activated by pressing a single button. The unit is self-powered and utilises the latest power-conserving technology, offering a battery life span that will last an incredible three-years.
The ABAX Mini uses Bluetooth and the ABAX Global Network for location reporting. This means that if the ABAX Mini is within a 35-metre range of ABAX hardware, either yours or another ABAX customer, the ABAX Mini position will automatically update in your system.